Thursday, May 14, 2009

Clauroma goes to Roma

Guess the things you expect less from, surprise you the most. That is the general rule i've learned over the years, but still catches me unguarderd every single time.
The case might not have been the same with Rome, as it is known it has its dolce vita style, beautiful mediterranean architecture, some good old history to go with and let's not forget the most important part, il grande gelato. :-) And still, after being aware of this, i was a bit skeptical until i was in the middle of it all. But then, there i was standing...with a big smile on my surprised face, if only it would have been for the first time.

And by the way, what's the point of throwing money in that Trevi fountain if you know you'll be back again? :-)


Alexandru said...

Finally, some action!

Clauroma said...

yes, inspiration comes much to slow sometimes :-)