Friday, June 09, 2006

Tea time in old Bucharest

Drinking tea in an old's house garden, with roses, fig trees and little tables hidden between flowers and bushes. Somewhere you can tell someone else may be having the same tea as you only by hearing his whisper at the other table. Strangely, this isn't much possible.


Anonymous said...

care ar fi adresa acestui loc ?

Clauroma said...

Adresa exacta nu o stiu, e pe undeva pe la armeneasca, pe o straduta in partea stanga a strazii.

gorgeoux said...

Super! Tocmai am batut azi zona doua ore, fara succes! Incredibil ca nu si-au inscris adresa in ghiduri online si offline. Plus: my urbex skill sucks. Incerc si maine :)