One main reason for me to pay a ticket for a band's concert that i don't furiously listen at home day and night is that i always know that after seeing them live, i will more appreciate them. I do not agree with people saying "I know a few songs, i don't want to pay that much to see them", because obviously this is wrong, wrong, wrong. Seeing someone perform in front of thousands of people may change your perception of that music and definitely worth your money, and it has always worth mine.
For this reason, the Dandy Warhols were a wery awaited band at Stufstock 5, popular everywhere in the world, but here in Romania seeming to come from the subterranous psychedelic tunes of american rock. Not only they proved wrong, because people knew their songs, and their show (and strangely tuned instruments) put everyone in a trance, but having learned some lesson, more people started listening to Dandy's music. And we lived happily ever after. :-)